Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday. Today was a gift from the cycling gods. Cool. Tail wind. Good road. Wide shoulder. Gently rising terrain. Pretty scenery. And only 52 miles ending in pueblo. This is a city of approximately 100,000 people. This is the largest city we will pass through on the whole trip. Riding through the city to the state fair grounds where we’re sleeping in the 4-H dorm was quite an adjustment. Multiple lanes of heavy traffic and lots of traffic lights. We all navigated safely and we’ll ride out of here heading west into the mountains early tomorrow. As we rode west toward pueblo the mountains seem to grow as we pedaled. I couldn’t help anticipating the battle we’ll have up and down the passes or the next several weeks. We’ll be climbing longer and higher than anything back east, but we’ve been promised the grades will be less severe. We’ll see. I’m not too worried as my legs feel strong and I’m carrying less weight(belly) than at the beginning of the trip. I almost fell off my bike this morning. I was riding along minding my own business when a prairie dog. jumped out of the grass beside the road and seemed to be chasing me. The totaling unexpected quick movement startle me and I’m told I yelped and jerked my bike in a instinctive move of avoidance. I did not crash and I recovered quickly and continued onward. 48 hours to the big reunion in Breckenridge. Yippee. Also, we just hit the halfway point of the trip even though as we looked on a national map we’re really about 2/3 of the way directly across the country. I think the extra miles through the rockies will be well worth it.


  1. prairie dogs deliver their pups in late Spring. The dog chasing you was probably defending its young. you haven't lost any of your athleticism. sounds like a good move you made. i'm getting the sense that you're back in one of your old neighborhoods. pretty neat! remember us to Cotopaxi! looks like Twin Lakes is almost on your route. love, david and ann

  2. Is there anyway for me to filter out the scary stuff so I don't have to worry about you! Glad you had a great day. Wish I was going to see you in Breckenridge. Can't wait to talk to you and Caryn in the same conversation. Love you!

  3. Forget to sign my name...your favorite daughter!
    (just kidding Beth!)

  4. Damn prairie dogs , don't they have a leash law out there ?
    Hey, any sheep in that 4 H Dorm ?

  5. As for our big reunion in Breckenridge, I'm anticipating that you'll be my gift from the cycling gods; cool with wide shoulders. And some yelping. Did I say that? No,not me. I'd never say that in public.

  6. Parkway Joe,
    You're sounding more and more upbeat the further West you get. Congratulations on your terrific spirit. Missed you at the Member-Guest. Mike and I finished 20th out of 20 teams in point total. Glad you were 2,000 miles away from the massacre. We won nothing, not even a bottle of Bobby Jones Cologne. Keep on truckin'. Rick

  7. Yay Joe! We miss you. Ben is learning lots of great new tricks to share with you. My new favorite is, even though we can't seem to get him to stop hitting, at least now he says "sorry"!

    lots of love
