Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thursday. Prairie city, Oregon to Mitchell, Oregon 82 miles. Today’s ride was within one mile of our longest single day ride. For the first 51 miles we rode down steam through the broad valley along the john day river. We then entered a deep narrow canyon turned and headed up a long 25mile climb that took us up out of the canyon and through pine forests to summit after climbing about 2500 feet. Then it was down hill to the tiny town of Mitchell where we’re staying in an historic old hotel. Historic means no air conditioning and bathroom down the hall. Hopefully it will cool down from the current 97 degrees.


  1. You have another career waiting for you when you get home; you can be a copywriter for hotel ads - esp. "historic, old hotels". It's quite amazing how you can make them sound charming. Caryn

  2. the figures remain mind-boggling and you throw them around so casually: 82 mi here, 25mi there, 51mi down, 25mi up, 2500' of elevation, It's like whacking a ball out of the park every at bat! Very powerful stuff. Great moves! david and ann

  3. I concur with C.J. a writing career is ahead of you. You could also go on tour telling your story, and pictures of riding across the USA. Look forward too your safe completion of this adventure. ERS
