Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday. Easiest ride of the trip. 55 miles, one flat straight road, cooling breeze, nothing but corn, cows, wheat and soy beans. Made it to larned, Kansas by 11:15am. We’re staying in a church that’s air conditioned and a shower in the adjacent pastor’s house. Great hospitality. Last night it was way too hot to cook so out for pizza at gambino’s. I made sure I got a seat facing the door. Even with air conditioning in the motel last night I didn’t stop sweating until about 2:00am so it was terrific to get up and take a shower.


  1. It makes me wonder what the pastor has been praying for if he ends up with a line of sweaty bikers waiting to use his shower. Glad you had an easy day.

    We're thinking of you....

  2. gambino's- that's what i'm taking about! thin crust? each day i try to estimate on the map about where you've landed. today, i was way off short. you're making kansas look like CT! david and ann

  3. We recieved the update from David about journey and im introdoucing your Aunt Ruth to world of blogging to follow you on the remainder of your trip. We wish all the best. Aunt Ruth & Jason

  4. Keep an eye out, Joe. Now that Aunt Ruth's discovered blogging, she may get inspired to join you on the ride!
    You sound good. Glad all is going well!

  5. If Aunt Ruth comes along, you can ask her for directions - won't even need those map meetings.

  6. seward is better than rush roads go any which way i think you have been to more churches then me
