Saturday, June 20, 2009

friday and saturday

Left pittsburg at 6:30a.m. on Friday trying to beat the heat. Got in about 20 miles before the temp reached 80. On a day that was forecast sunny and hot for our 58 mile ride to Chanute, Kansas, we got surprised by a storm. You can see forever out here so the storm appeared dead ahead. I pulled off the road to consult with some construction workers who just happened to have the weather radar on their cell phones. A severe but isolated storm was passing across our route from southwest to northeast. I stopped for 10-15 minutes and watched it rain with thunder and lightning just in front of me and in a flash it moved off our course and we were able to continue with no danger. Got to Chanute in time for lunch where I found a sports bar and watched some u.s. open. We stayed in an air conditioned church that had no showers so we rode over to the town park took showers and enjoyed the cool church for the rest of the day. Today was a 64 mile slog through constant rain sometimes light and sometimes pouring. It was too warm to gear up so I rode wet the whole day with it clearing up just as I got to eureka. Same deal as last night. Showers at the park and sleep in the air conditioned church. We learned that Kansas is not really flat. The hills were nothing like what we dealt with earlier, but they certainly got our attention. Tomorrow is a 75 ride with sunny and mid 90’s forcast.


  1. thank god you found kimball, now all you have to do is find lou! happy birthday caryn! kansas road is much more interesting than i expected. looks like you could ride for days on one fill-up. it's been fascinating how you've introduced your cast of characters so patiently. stay well, david and ann

  2. Joe, you are truly amazing! Keep up the great work and have a fabulous Father's Day! We all miss you!


  3. hi boopah.I miss you.Are you having fun yet?

  4. Happy fathers day

  5. Happy Father's Day Dad! I truly can't believe this is my father on this adventure. So proud of you! Love you and miss you. Be safe!

  6. Happy Fathers Day Joe! IT's me Davi, your fave little bratty sister in law....what a trip you are taking!!!! I am sure incredibly exciting and at times exhausting!!! What a fabulous way to see the country!! Next trip crossong Canda? You must be in the best shape of your entire life!! Keep trucking.....when those hills look hard....head down and dbreath through it!!! Hve a blast and stay safe!!!!
